Chaos Attraction


2002-09-10, 6:58 p.m.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: My life is a neverending soap opera.

Today's big climactic event: Dave got fired. Like I've said before, I was expecting it, and was surprised he'd stayed employed this long after he got back from medical leave. Though I have to say, he really did kinda walk into a trap, if you know what I mean. While he was working, the asshole boss called him in to yell at him for not working and said if he didn't shape up... Dave unfortunately chose just the wrong words to say in this situation, namely "Stop threatening me with that and either fire me or let me get back to my job." Ba-dump-bump.

On the one hand, yay, no more having to deal with the asshole boss or bitchy or idiotic coworkers or ass-y company policies. Can't say I'm gonna weep over that one. But on the other hand, financially it's about at the worst time possible for him. Ugh.

Anyway, he told his dad when he got in tonight and the first thing his dad said was "Go to Jen's, find a job, and get out of this town." So that's what's happening, he's getting in around 11:30 tonight. I don't know how long he'll be staying for while he job hunts.

Since I haven't really decided about the whole journal thing yet with regards to him, and I probably won't have time to update after hours anyway, the journal's going on temporary hiatus. I think I'll try to post notify-only updates while I'm at work if I can.

See y'all in a while, and wish me luck.

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