Chaos Attraction

Wandering the Stage

2022-09-27, 10:08 p.m.

Work: back at it today, behind on emails. In actual work news, a third team member has been hired, and it's one of our current temps/former employees. I'm happy she got a permanent job. I will probably have to think of an alias since she's another distinctively named person, as most of our staff are. Also, god bless that she's already trained for years, you know? That helps. Not that I won't have to train her on other stuff (started today with her, other teammate and current temps), but she's got the basic stuff down.
Therapy: I was a whiny mess, which is no shocker. My therapist's mom is in hospice, so we may not be doing therapy again for who knows when (sigh). She was all "you don't know that he hasn't noticed that you've stopped talking to him for weeks," but it's not like I can ask either, so. I don't feel like getting into it all...I know I have to stop this whole "friendship" thing, it's just a case of do I just let it drift off and he thinks everything is okay, or do I actually say "you made me feel like shit, goodbye?" formally. Who knows. I should be polite and just let it die on its own. The whole thing bums me out. But at this point I'm a stalking creeper, he doesn't care and never will, and it's time to fucking go. She said I sound like I've been as gone as it's possible to be while still being in the same space with him. Yup. For six weeks now. Sounds really sad...but seriously, I'm never going to be loved here, I need to take the hint, not be a shitty fucking creeper and go.

After work: I picked up Rae/Athena (the new name is somewhat lasting? we'll see?) and Ashley and danced/goofed off with them for a bit. We did Lady Gaga, extremely poorly, sigh, and then some other things better on the way out the door. Left them for Rae's mom to pick up.

Rehearsal: blocking the entire opening number from the start ("Hear the Bells") to maybe half of "Nothing To Do With Me," in which Scrooge pouts and bitches and the Cratchits get their Christmas on and everyone else just wanders around needlessly in the background. (Why? Seems distracting? Why don't we just let the Cratchits be in their house talking/singing?) The first few numbers are rich people caroling and just walking around the stage. During "Nothing To Do With Me," I come on as Old Joe and say "Rags and bones!" all creepylike and it seems Quite Distracting with all the merry merry? I know this show does foreshadowing because the ghosts are out as IRL people in this scene too, but still weird. I assumed I was just rolling my cart across the stage and then ditching it to do another costume change, but then Jan was all "you're wandering the stage selling your wares!" so um....that seems really un-Christmassy to do at this point? Very strange. Really I'm like in the Halloween section of this story.

I continue to be concerned that Alex literally can't say lines so that you can hear him at all. Like he's mostly kinda asleep all night too? I figured this was just being a six-year-old and presumably the lone non-night-owl in the family being up all night, but his mom was all "he'd rather go to bed at 10." Go figure. I was all "my mom gave up on putting me to bed before eleven when I was two," and thank gawd the whole family was night owls with that going on. Though this led to some hilarious commentary by Noel about how her (now teenage son) would only sleep for about 30 minutes at a time until he was four, tried to get in bed with her and her husband and she was all "I have to sleep with the big one who snores already!"

Last week or so(?) Jan lost her giant script for the show, couldn't find it anywhere. Tonight she announced that her dog found it in the couch cushions. Go Barney!


Noel is quite entertaining to hang around.

* Felicia was commenting that her name was so appropriate for the show. Noel: "I was born in May, to a mother who majored in French and never did anything with it, and was mad that her name was Peggy Sue."
* Noel also said that people at school will beg/borrow/steal for pens for the write-on board. I asked if anyone killed for one and she said they'd kill for stealing anything, especially a chair.
* Noel's car continues to run and has almost entirely dried out, but is getting a detailer to come and check it tomorrow. "It's a car spa day."
* Per Noel, "pudding" is just what the English called any dessert, but figgy pudding is like boiled fruitcake.

Certain cast members love fruitcake and candy corn. (And circus peanuts. And cilantro.) I don't know what to say to their taste buds.

Victor to me: "You're rags and bones, aren't you?" Me: "Yeah, now I'm just going around doing that voice at people." (Rae was amused at it, anyway.)

Other Jennifer and I keep moving around in the requisite theater clumps, and after we were separated during clump number 3, reunited in clump number for. Me: "It's like you never left!" Her: "I know!"

Jan: "Marin would look weird carrying his own coffin...."

I had on a new purple mask today, Felicia liked it. I said that Rae said it looked like unicorn or mermaid poop. (It kinda does look like's pinky-purple.)

Per Jean's latest costume announcement, we have regular ol' black character shoes and tights for "Abundance and Charity." She brought out a wholesale costume catalog of shoes (won't order unless she gets a bunch though). I said that I ordered three pairs and we'll see what works, I noted that one pair in the book looks about like what I got at Evangeline's, i.e. has lacy see- through, and she was all "that might be fine for this one, but NOT FOR SWEENEY TODD," and I was all (a) we're gonna have to deal with whatever doesn't bleep up my whiny-ass feet (I note that so far walking around the house in them gingerly has been tolerable), and (b) I have severe doubts that I will end up in Sweeney Todd.

(Seriously, I'm about 90% sure I will not love Sweeney Todd. I am about 90% sure I will haaaaaaaaaaaate it, actually. This is why I keep putting off watching it. And yet I have the horrible creeping suspicion I may end up in it for some reason? Whyyyyyyyyy?)

Felicia asked if anyone was going to tap in it. Jan said she could use 3 tappers and Dannette and Noel are already in. Felicia volunteered herself as #3 and tried to get me in as #4, I pointed out I'm a noob and Jan said nope to that. Fine by me. Definitely not ready for that at the moment, thankyouverymuch, after 2 classes. Good luck to Felicia at it, though!

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