Chaos Attraction

Go Blow

2021-10-22, 6:59 p.m.

In office on day 3, raining again. I got what I needed to do done early in the day and the rest of it was piddly shit. I ran out of things to do like by 2 p.m. Seriously, it was down to "boring lists of things" and "bunch of emails that I do not understand AT ALL and frankly, don't have the care or energy to give a shit about trying to figure out." Like, why is this one random tech person sending us long lists of "fix this please" and they can't explain what they want fixed or how to do it, just tell us to fix it, and then wonder why it doesn't get fixed, and I want to be all "you send us lists of gibberish and you wonder why we don't understand you and work on it?" I tried one of them and was all "I don't get what you think is broken" and then decided "fuck it, I'm gonna go read some drama on the Internet." Somehow we all seem to get away with never actually working on these reports, so.... fuck it. I'm gonna get all one star reviews anyway, why try. I just work on what I actually care about these days and the rest of it that's too hard or too drama can go blow.

After work, I went shopping. I went to the best thrift store in town to look for some kind of starry shirt an while I didn't find it, I did find purple pants, a fancy flower belt, and a rainbow fanny pack that goes PERFECT with the butterfly costume! So, score! Then I went to the bookstore and got a fiction book on witches and a book called "Weird" (self-explanatory).

Still don't know what to do about Scott tomorrow. Or anything in general, really.

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