Chaos Attraction

Family Matters

2002-11-07, 6:45 p.m.

My injuries seem to be healing nicely, as I can walk fairly well at the moment. Not a normal walk, mind you, I'm still lurching about, and there's a bit of pain, but not so bad. I figure I'll be pretty much fine during the weekend. Though I still can't sleep on my side, argh. I was still nervous going out in the pouring rain today, though.

NaNoWriMo Progress Meter

NaNoWriMo update #3:

6,993 words.

Not as much as I wanted to get done by this point. By this point at minimum, I should have hit 10,000. And I don't feel even close. Hell, I didn't even finish a new chapter yesterday- two pages into it. Though I must admit that I think the stuff I just put in was pretty darn good. I liked the tone of it. I wanted to do more, but once again, life intervened on me. I swear, it seems like the only time I have to write is when I'm the only one home. Tonight Hill needed help on something for work and I ended up doing that the rest of the night when she got home. Not to mention the three phone calls I got during the night.

How on earth am I ever going to finish it this year? At the beginning of the month I like to get ahead so when the inevitable Shit Comes Up at the middle/end of the month, I won't be so behind if I skip a few days. And I know very well LOTS of shit will come up this month to interfere with my writing, and I can't count on weekends to catch up at all.

Elph said she was glad I wasn't being as much of an overachiever this year so she doesn't feel so bad for being behind. (She's having about as much busy stuff going on as I do right now.) I'm glad someone's happy about it! From what I've seen so far it looks like a lot of us have word count envy. (Which reminds me, check these comics.)

Here's the latest excerpt.

I highly doubt I'll be doing the 3WA Crafts Fair like I wanted to. I just don't have any time at all to make more than I already have, or even have the time to figure out how to get a picture of the goods. Waaaah.

And speaking of phone calls, Nikki had the baby yesterday. 7 pounds and change, but still too big to come out, so she got sliced. (Ow.) A girl named Emily. I hear Jeremy is in shock, presumably about having a kid and it being female (probably a shock since his family seems to run rampant with boys), and Nikki's out of it, but flashing her staples at people. Ew, thanks for sharing. Dave apparently had great fun holding the baby until he realized how huge he was compared to it. And thank the gods, they're moving out of the shithole apartment and back in with his mother. Anyway, thanks to the baby coming D&D's canceled for the week, so S&D&D might come up Friday night, depending on Demma's mood, or just come Saturday morning. I was like "Just don't wake us up if you do that."

Honestly, I REALLY don't think Dave could handle me actually being pregnant in the slightest. Really, given how inevitable a C-section is given my body, he's not gonna handle me being sliced open, staples, knocked out, etc. More like, become a hysterical psycho basket case. (He has admitted this would happen if anything happened to me.) I keep trying to tell him that, and he just says nothing. Hello, you freak when I get a paper cut! I think if he's so damn gung-ho crazy for babies, he needs to at least think about that aspect of things.

In other news, Mom called to say that there will be a change in plans for the holidays. Normally we spend Thanksgiving weekend at Aunt Susie's and Christmas at Auntie D's/Tammy's. However, (a) Aunt Susie is stuck having Uncle Brad's brother, wife, and hellion spawn for Thanksgiving because they're going to Australia for Christmas, (b) Auntie Dolores and Uncle Bruce are going to the Rose Bowl around New Year's (Tammy told her this and said "Aren't you excited?"), and (c) Tammy and Les bought a new house, have moved out of their old one, and are in some kind of temporary housing until the new one is done. Supposedly done Dec. 20, but come on.

So... there will be a switch this year. Thanksgiving with D&B, Christmas with S&B. Which works out well for Christmas since I only have the 24th and 25th off and will be able to get back into town easily. Thanksgiving, however, will be a PITA. Stuck home for four days, whee. Having to take the train home pre-Thanksgiving night, shoot me now. (Though at least I don't have class the night before... or a class AND a test the way Hill does!) And I can probably use Mom and Dad's computer to finish NaNoWriMo in the last few days of it, at least.

This would be especially interesting this year if Dave were going to be going along to any of my family events. On the one hand, we'd totally be able to avoid the ring-for-Christmas crap, on the other hand, if they heard they'd go on about a ring-for-Thanksgiving or something probably. But Christmas at least would be sane... albeit totally different from what we normally do.

But he's not, so no need to worry about it, right?

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