Chaos Attraction

It's Better Than Bad, It's Good!

2002-12-19, 10:54 p.m.

Wow, here's an actual cheery happy entry for you! In December, at that! Woo!

Good News #1: The dress is done! All done! And I finished a wrap for it, too! Hill looks lovely, even if she's Not A Dress Person. Woo hoo!

Good News #2: Hill is a collage gaduate! (She has a shirt with this on it to celebrate the occasion.) She took her last final last night, so we went out to dinner and then out for margaritas. Whee!

Good News #3: She has found tons of wacky Christmas/Hanukkah music, which we both love, and is planning on making weird holiday mix CD's for presents. Yay, I get one! Dave's even getting one (with the Santa version of "Because I Got High" on it, hah). I am all excited.

Good News #4: She is okay with Dave coming to my place for a few days after Christmas, so if his schedule permits (see below) he'll be here the 26th through the end of that weekend before we go to his place.

Good News #5: Checked with Mom last night, and she won't be picking me up to go to Aunt Susie's until Christmas Eve Day, so I can come home late Monday night and get away with things. As for my return, it'll be either Christmas Day night or (god forbid) EARLY Thursday morning "to avoid the traffic." Okay, so I'd just go home if she dropped me off at work, but oh well.

Good News #6: I keep getting presents at work. Got a little wooden bear, a bag of fortune cookies, and now an ornament. Whee! This is fun!

Good News #7: DAVE GOT A JOB!!!!!! Woo hoo! It's for a distribution company- some office work, some sales, they have offices in Sacramento that he can transfer to fairly soon if he wants, they pay for transportation, they pay for business trips for him to do training all over the state, and a fair number of them will be to Sacramento... whee! Yay!!!!

He'll be going in and out of the office next week- Monday and Tuesday for paperwork, he doesn't know about Thursday and Friday yet, so we'll see. Then work officially starts the first full week of January. So I may be going there for next week after all, maybe not, who knows.

And much to my surprise, he will be coming along to the office party after all. Since he doesn't have to stay in town for work purposes, his parents are seeing LOTR by themselves, and his grandma will be freaking out already having people in the house, he'll just show up while I'm at work and stay the weekend. We shall see how that goes...

Oh yeah, and I have to pass this on:

"I'm going to buy you a nice, fat, gaudy rock to make your mom and dad happy. Big nasty kinda diamond that you can only look at with sunglasses because it'll blind ya."

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